Crossword puzzle
Problem Statement
A 10 x 10 Crossword grid is provided to you, along with a set of words (or names of places) which need to be filled into the grid. Cells are marked either +
or -
. Cells marked with a -
are to be filled with the word list.
In essence we are left with a two dimensional slice and a list of words to fill in the blank spaces
of the[]slice
The Crossword Puzzle problem is an algorithmic problem that involves filling in a grid with words, given a set of clues. The grid is represented as a two-dimensional array of cells, each of which can contain a letter or a blank. The clues are given in the form of a list of words, each of which must be placed in the grid in a contiguous manner.
The objective of the problem is to find a placement of the words in the grid that satisfies all of the clues.
There are a number of different algorithms that can be used to solve the Crossword Puzzle problem. One common approach is to use a backtracking algorithm.
Backtracking algorithm
Backtracking algorithms work by trying different possible placements of the words in the grid, and backtracking when they reach a dead end. This approach is typically quite efficient, but it can be slow for large grids or for grids with many clues.
- Check if there are any words left in the list.
- Get the first word in the list and separate it from the rest of the words.
- Create a copy of the current crossword puzzle.
- Loop over the grid, checking each cell to see if it is a blank space or if the first character in the current word is equal to the first character in the cell.
- If the cell is a blank space or if the characters match, then copy the current grid state into the copied grid.
- Call the function
to try to place the current word in the blank spaces there are in the current row. - If placement is successful, then update the copied grid with the new row.
- Otherwise call the function
to try to place the current word into the blank spaces there are in the current column. - If the function is successful, then update the copied grid with the new column.
- Recursively call itself with the copied grid and the rest of the words.
- If the function returns a solved puzzle, then return the solved puzzle. Otherwise, return the current crossword puzzle.